
The Criminal and the Criminologist 7

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Author's Note: To Celestia's Paladin: Yes! I was wondering if anyone would say anything about it. I saw a connection and I ran with it haha.

Tess was floating ever since the kiss. He kissed her again just before she and Percy left the next evening. In that time, they talked, they laughed, they kissed and Tess let herself fall into a little fantasy land where nothing but the two of them, the kids, the minions and lab existed. There was nothing that could tear them apart. Felonious couldn't be killed during a mission, Tess' job couldn't interfere and her world was perfect.

When she and Percy left, Felonious called her just as his house disappeared in her rearview and stayed on with her until they made it home. Tess couldn't help the smile on her face and how happy she felt. Felonious was the last person she spoke to before she went to bed that night.

Tess had been in relationships before, of varying intensities. She was almost engaged to a man that she was head over the heels, full-fledged in love with, but when she found out he hated her family, she didn't hesitate in calling it all off. She knew Felonious was different. He liked Percy and even helped him with a previous science chapter that was still giving Percy problems. The day after they took shelter in the lab, Percy shadowed Felonious, watching him in the lab and Felonious explained everything he was doing (innocuous things of course, nothing that had to do with his crimes). The girls couldn't care less and Tess had a feeling the Felonious liked the idea of Percy taking an interest.

She had no idea what the rest of her family would think of Felonious. Her mother would probably fear for Tess' life. Her father would probably think she was still going through some sort of 'bad boy' phase and her brother would probably have her committed. Right then, Tess wasn't too concerned. They would cross that bridge when they came to it.

If they came to it.

The second she stepped over threshold of her office building, Tess felt like she had a big, ugly, scarlet letter smack in the middle of her chest. She felt like everyone knew about her and Felonious. She knew that was totally impossible, she hadn't told a soul about her feelings for him. It was merely paranoia. If someone did find out what was going on, Tess could lose her job and a new criminologist would be assigned Felonious' case that wouldn't hesitate to send the police after him. Then the girls would be sent back to Miss Hattie, thus ruining their lives and since Tess wouldn't have a job, no self-respecting judge would grant her custody of the girls so at least they had a nice home and where together.

Tess was starting to hyperventilate and panic. She needed to calm down and stop overanalyzing everything. She buried herself in her work to take her mind off her worries. Tess' biggest personality flaw was that she could drive herself into a sheer panic over a mere possibility. Digging in her desk drawer, she found her bottle of St. John's Wart and downed the pill with her coffee. That usually helped.

Around noon, she received a call (after a couple of clandestine calls from Felonious) from her friend that knew Cassie's social worker.

"Tess, I have some bad news. Cassie Whitlock spoke her lawyer and she bought a house on Brookside."

Tess felt her heart drop into her stomach and a cold sweat break out over her body. She couldn't believe her ears.

"What?" She said dumbly.

"Cassie bought a house! It's in her name and everything. Apparently she found an amazing job and can prove that she can afford it. It's being furnished with new furniture that she bought, not stuff from Rent-a-Center or somewhere. The utilities and are on and in her name too. Agnes' room is being set up as we speak."

"How can she do this so suddenly?!" Tess exclaimed in shock.

"Her parents and grandparents are quite well to do. It was them who gave her the money, methinks."

"Did she really get a job?!"

"Yes, she's a works for Dr. Zellner over on Memorial Drive and is still going to school full time."

"She can't win Agnes' custody. She'll never be around to see her." Tess countered.

"Plenty of young mothers do it now, it's a moot point. Felonious Gru is a felon and is convicted of murder, Tess. Not an accidental manslaughter, but 'I did it on purpose and planned it' murder. Even with his lawyers, he doesn't have the advantage anymore."

Tess was silent and hung up the phone, without another word. She wasn't mad at her friend for telling her the news, she just couldn't take anymore. She was done with the conversation. Calmly, Tess turned her computer off, stood up, grabbed her purse, and left without a word. She drove in silence to Felonious' house and knocked on the door. It took longer than she expected for Felonious to answer the door.

'He was probably in the lab,' she barely thought.

"Tess!" He smiled, but he saw her face and his expression turned to concern. "What's wrong?" He asked, ushering her inside.

Tears started to fall silently down her cheeks. "Cassie Whitlock bought a house. She has the upper hand now."

Emotions stormed through Tess. She was angry at herself for not being able to foresee this happening. It was her job to predict people's actions. She was sad for Felonious and Agnes. She was scared for her, Margo and Edith. If Agnes was taken out of Felonious' custody, then it set precedence for Margo and Edith to be taken as well. All Tess could do was to cry silently, no sobbing, no ragged breaths. She was somewhere being numb and acutely aware.

"What should I do?" Felonious asked, quietly.

"Spend as much time with her as possible. Don't take that as a sign that I've given up. I'm not done fighting for Agnes and I will do whatever it takes to keep her with you. It's where she belongs." Tess said, resolutely.

Felonious nodded. No more words were exchanged, only a kiss before Tess left.

'I'm done with tears. I am not going to wallow in sadness. I am going to fight to Agnes.' She thought.

When she got back to work, she formulated her plan and pushed all her cases to the side. The court date was in two weeks, so she had some time to play with. Tess looked up custody laws for a loophole, but found nothing. She called her friend that she spoke to earlier and asked if she had any leads.

"Well, I know of several files of men who were in jail and married women on the outside with children and wanted to adopt those children. I can get a hold of those for you. I don't know how the judged ruled though, but it might help."

Tess finally felt some relief and she left work to pick up Percy feeling a sense of optimism.

Felonious was there at the school as usual, this time Agnes was with him. He smiled a sad smile whenever he looked at his little girl.

Agnes ran off to chase a butterfly and she took this as a chance to tell Felonious the news.

"I will be receiving a few case files that may help us. They're of similar situations that may set precedence for our case. Criminal fathers adopting children."

Felonious looked hopeful, "That's great. I'm relieved to know that we're not the only ones this is happening to."

"I should get them by the end of the week. Although I don't know how they turn out." Tess admitted.

"Couldn't we use cases where average families adopted children and the birth mother came back?" Felonious asked.

"No. You're too…unique." Tess said, searching for the right word. Felonious chuckled. "It makes a difference."

Just as the bell rang, Felonious asked, "Would you and Percy like to join us for dinner?"

Tess smiled, "That sounds great."

As soon as they arrived at Felonious' home, they had the children do their homework. Tess and Felonious helped them out.

"I don't know where I want to college, Dad." Margo said, sounding frustrated as she pulled a handful of college brochures out of her backpack.

"We still have time for that Margo," Felonious reassured. "Right now, I just want you to make the best grades you can."

"I'm not going to college. I'm going to be a villain like Dad!" Edith proudly announced, standing up her chair.

"Yes you are." Felonious and Tess corrected.

As she and Felonious entered the kitchen, he closed the door behind them and groaned, "I wish she would stop talking about college."

"Not ready for it, huh?" Tess asked.

"Not even remotely." Felonious said, shaking his head.

Both were trying not to think about the current situation.

"You'll be in your seventies by the time Agnes is in college."

"I refuse to age and I refuse to die."

Tess laughed heartily.

She helped him prepare dinner and as they all ate, Tess once again allowed herself to fall into her fantasy world. This was her family and this was her home. Nothing was wrong in the world and their lives were perfect. Every morning on her way to work, she dropped the girls off at their schools, (and Percy to if he was stayed the night). Tess would work on her cases that had nothing to do with her husband. She would pick the kids up at school on her way home. The kids would do their homework and play while she and Felonious cooked dinner. They would have dinner just like this one, every night. Then she and Felonious would go upstairs and she would fall asleep in his arms.

Felonious noticed that Tess was daydreaming and she was a bit embarrassed when she realized he noticed. He merely shot her a knowing smile. Again that night, Tess left Felonious with a kiss and talked to him on the phone just as they went to bed.

As soon as she sat down at her desk that next morning, Daniels' secretary told Tess that he wanted to see her.

Tess thought nothing of it. She was frequently called into his office to discuss cases.

Today was different.

The air was different in the office and just Daniels' posture told Tess that he was not a happy camper. Tess thought it was merely a criminal that was giving him problems.

"I looked at the files you've compiled for Felonious Gru's case. We know he's doing something. We know when we can bring him in safely and get him. What I don't understand is why haven't you called it yet?You haven't touched this case in days and Gru should have been behind bars by now. I can't believe I'm even having this conservation with you of all people, Tess! You're the best criminologist this place has seen in years!"

"I can't turn him in, Chief!" Tess exclaimed, "He's all those girls have!"

"Call the damn criminal in and closed this case, Agent Sutterfield." Daniels' said sharply, staring her down. It was the first time he ever used her title on her and she knew she was in trouble.

"I can't. It's not right."

"You're off the case then. And for your blatant disregard for it, you are removed from the force. You're fired, Tess."

Tess was stunned. This sort of thing wasn't supposed to happen to her. All her fears were coming true. A new criminologist would be assigned and Gru will be arrested.

"Go clean out your desk. That will be all." Daniels said, solemnly.

Stunned, Tess stood up and left the office.

In what used to be her office, the files Tess requested were on the desk. She looked through the folder with shaking hands. All the cases ended with the adoption of the children in question being denied.

There was nothing more she could do for Felonious.

He will lose Agnes.
When lead criminologist, Tess Sutterfield, is assigned to gather information on and bring Felonious Gru to justice, she learns that even police records can be misleading.
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